Food insecurity is a growing global issue, here in Canada it affects 1 in 6 children. Currently there are around 50 million people globally that are reaching dangerous levels of hunger. You may be asking yourself “what does a card company have to do with world hunger?” Well, aside from the silly stickers and cards, giving back is at the forefront of our core values at Made by a Potato.

With every card purchased we donate one meal to someone in need. This is done through Action Against Hunger, an organization that believes in overcoming malnutrition. They work across the globe to provide families and children with nutrition treatment through multiple outreach programs. One of the ways they do this is by a product called “Plumpy Nut”, a bar containing protein, sugar, milk and vitamins to help sustain people while in recovery. All purchases from stickers to custom Made by Potato cards (and everything in between) helps contribute to AGH programs. With so many great causes we wanted to pick an organization that we believed would truly help those in need. By using food to create our whimsical products we are able to help fund: the production of Plumpy Nut bars, outreach programs, emergency gifts for Ukrainians, and much more.
We felt as though Action against hunger was the perfect partnership for us at Made by a Potato as we try to be as food (and environmentally) conscious as possible when creating our products. Potatoes are easily compostable and all our card envelopes are made out of 100% recycled material. We are always coming up with new ideas for cards and ways to help lighten our environmental footprint. Doing good and giving back was a huge contributor to why we decided to start up MBAP. For more information on our cards and story you can visit our FAQ HERE.